Sunday, May 7

blue sunday

totally refreshed after a merely less than 50 minutes exercise session - a bit of walking n more of jogging. it's not sunny, nor freezing. just a bit cold, drizzling. would hv jog slightly longer but just couldn't get use to the pathway yet. dunno where shud i jog to, n continue on to jog.


but after a shower, everything seems fine. so hungry dat i find brunch is absolutely insufficient. went to SU shop n bought snacks. ate up everything in one go. lol.

tried studying abt bio - sleep. quite interesting. but too much to read on n time is running out. maybe i shud read the summary instead. gloomy day, yes it is. surprisingly, my mood is still normal n in fact, a bit more energetic than normal. maybe it's dat morning jog n warm shower.

dinner sucked so ate noodle. quite yummy. called mummy in the afternoon. her flirtacious voice dat i once didn't really could just make me smile.


my mood is generally good, besides one stupid thing dat happen. n i am pissed, i mean very very pissed abt it. sigh. I LOST THE MOTHER'S DAY CARD DAT I BOUGHT AGES AGO! i like dat very much ok! n it's purple, her fav colour! n most importantly is, i like the content! argh!! i want the same one! i dun care! i am so going to get it somehow n post it immediately! who cares abt screwing up listening exam for dat...

cool down...

okok.. not going to ruin my night cos of dis. my emotions r settled, n the decision hs been made. tmr shall b hunting-for-mother's-day-card day. ok. enuf n back to italian. i really wish to abandon my essay, now n forever.

*~a day when gloomy skies no longer pile up on my burden~*


weister said...

only blue~ only blue~
my god is life dat miserable...
ei when u get bf?

shean said...

