Tuesday, October 11

Tuesdays r sooooooo busy...

1stly.. thx to the lovely so lovely fire alarm at 1am last night... i woke up at 8.10am dis morning! omg! my lesson is at 9am! my lecture on feminist philosophy.. oh yes.. i din eat breakfast.. i rush as fast as i could.. brush teeth, wash my face, get dressed, pack stuff (ops.. last min) n rush to the hopper bus station at like nearly 8.30... omg!! the longest queue ever.. so many ppl queueing for the bus!!! ok... deep inside my heart.. i prayed for a dbl decker hopper bus.. n thank god.. i was lucky! so.... looking at ppl getting on the bus.. i wonder if i am lucky enuf to get on dat bus as well... oh yes.. thank god again.. i got on the bus.. sitting at the upper deck.. yeah! then i looked down at the queue from the window.. n saw poor Rosalind queueing outside.. she could not get on the bus! later, i found out she woke up 10 mins later than me... told u! it's dat fire alarm! i heard there were 24 last yr! OMG! i hope dis yr will b a totally diff case... a senior.. also from msia told me abt it.. but she said dat dis yr's freshers r more well-b'haved.. so i hope she is right..

ok.. moving on...

我很久没打华文了……hehe.. random..ok..so.. 上到巴士上,发现自己忘了带 italian text book 和 line paper..真的有够猪头。所以,上完了 feminist philosophy 以后,只得赶快搭hopper bus 回 JC... 天啊!

午餐,和arlina约好了在 PB foodcourt 吃。然后,在赶着去上1小时的cognitive psychology..抄notes抄到手断了。幸好下一次的课不再是这位lectural了。


然后,上3点钟的statistical methods,最闷的课。我好想睡。。。

又是一个钟头的休息,但是我和coursemate去了library。。晃了半个小时后,又去上italian。过后,赶着去搭hopper bus回去吃晚餐。吃饱了,又要准备去8.45pm的芭蕾舞课。由于6点钟过后的hopper bus只有在半个小时才来一辆,所以只得乘搭8.15pm的车。

到了那里,A23的课室里还有beginner level 的学生。突然,我跳舞的感觉回来了。听着所谓芭蕾舞的音乐,开始陶醉其中,虽然只是beginners的。陆陆续续来了很多外国人,看着每一个不一样的脸孔,却好像都同样显露出芭蕾舞者的自信,我顿时感觉自己的渺小。

进入课室,很多人都换上了leotard 和 ballet shoe, 几乎没有人像我那样,连基本的舞鞋也没有,虽然确实是有一位。不过,话说回来,我确实有点紧张。因为,毕竟我没有跳芭蕾舞2年了。

开始的bar work真的算ok了,虽然,我还是不是很能跟得上。舞蹈老师教得好快。可是,center 的choreography才是真正的问题。由于我上一堂课并没有出席,所以前面的部分都没学会。老师先教了新的部分,同样的,教得超级快。还好,一位好心的同学,告诉老师后面的学生看不到,所以,我竟然变成first row了,which is a good thing。当下,跳得不好也许是其次了。我只想学会那些steps。我就这样,死命跟啊跟。到最后,抓住了某些step,但是,很肯定的,下星期又会忘了。

I realise, my ballet has truly deteriorated greatly.. wat can i do? i cant do anything.. my life for the pass 10 yrs were filled with ballet...but 2 yrs ago.. i suddenly left the 'ballet slot' blank..it's my fault.. otherwise.. i would imagine myself being able to do pointe work.. more or less without effort...

i will try to catch up.. no matter in ballet or psychology.. i hvt done much reading yet.. n dis is a totally new subject for me..

dat's it.. it's time i stop msn-ing every night.. it's time i get myself organised.. it's time i get serious with my life here.. it's time to get real.. n Week 3 will be the time to get started..


weister said...

walau... so cool meh? hehe hows ur persona lesson going hahahaha
aiyo ur ballet so cha meh...walau... oh yea omgomgomgomg the jinzhi so nice.... u must watch ne gtg watch now byebye

shean said...

my ballet ar.. soon can get better..