Wednesday, December 17





Saturday, December 6

looping 瘋子 by 許哲佩。

很開心陷入melancholy的情緒。演戲歌唱跳舞 是感情的宣泄。那種解放 是由內而外的。而只有在我絕對單獨的時候 才有辦法完全解開束縛。


獨處對我來說 具有高尚的地位。有時候我會去思索,為甚麼那麼愛這種感覺?總覺得 身邊的一些人不是這樣。他們喜歡一起做很多事情,吃飯又熱愛聊天,邊聊邊吃。本人比較不喜歡這樣。




選科系,言行舉止,待人處事.....  那個人生的突破,還在某一個未來天吧。

自己的舞態 心知肚明。缺少了勁,完整度,情感。可是我跳的時候,總感覺已經做足了似的。可觀眾看到的不是這樣的。

全新的choreography sketch,ideas還在腦中翻滾著。我想展現很多的內在情緒.... 



想想 也許太多了吧 那個自由 多過頭了吧 



Friday, November 28

sick and all that's nasty

what a way to end my end of term classes.


been lying there on that bed. a bed on which one could been the springy-ness of the spring and how it contacts with your flesh and bones. and i have been with it for a good 24 hrs and somemore on the following day, no longer bothered to count. 

it wasnt at all pleasant being sick (duh). but the fact that i am not in a pleasant environment made me sicker - perhaps mentally. actually, i didnt even mind that shitty wet weather (besides the wind which i just cannot tolerate at all). wat i do mind is the condition of my flat my room and the shared kitchen. i guess i really had enough. i really cant wait to move out. 

i guess there is no one reason as to why i want to move out asap. just dat when the idea struck me, all my thoughts will be magnetised and they will all be labelled as 'supporting homemoving movement'. that's how my brain works. and i guess this has caused be trouble too. 

i began to realise a lot of issues abt myself, as i try to fall asleep in my bed with my influenza ( i assume this one is one) and thinking about my future my career etc. i realised that when i want something, i can find like a thousand of excuses to guide me into rationalising that thought or that choice, and i feel it's the same for choosing dance. not dat i do not enjoy dancing at this very moment (ok, not now because i am still sick and weak), i really do. it's very challenging, physically and mentally, i have to make a lot of immediate and spontaneous reactions to a lot of stimuli that is happening around me, hence dancers are often said that they develop better proprioreceptors. 

i concluded one day while i was showering, that my sickness is a sign of my proprioreceptors are indeed becoming more and more sensitive.... (wondering if this statement makes any sense at all)


while i m sick in bed, my brain still can stop moving. i have been thinking of what's next? and all these questions. 

do i continue to venture in the dance circle? or do i move away (again) into something else. i must have a stand at some point of my life right?!!!! 

i've been thinking of nutrition for a while (perhaps even more as i m sick). i looked up on possibilities of jobs. but all or mostly requires some sort of qualification to do with nutrition (DUH, otherwise i shud be worried). 

soo, if i really do want A JOB after i finish this course.... A) do smth related to psychology; B) do smth that a psy degree will allow me to get pass the requirement; C) do smth related to dance; D)do smth related to dance and psychology.

i dun feel like studying more mainly because i feel i have burdened my parents too much with my expenditure with tuition fees and daily spendings. I shud need to start earning my own money and learning how to earn money, and how to operate in the 'social university'. "It's tougher," that's what everyone says.


perhaps it's still going to be a loooong journey towards finding that path. or perhaps that path is not as straightforward i have always assumed it to be. the funny thing is, i never like to do straighforwards things anyway. i guess my thoughts arent straightforwards to begin with. 

it started from a young age.... my primary teacher told me that i think too much when answering the exam sometimes. that's y i get things wrong. the thing with 鑽牛角尖 has stuck with me. FOR LIFE NOW. but i will still continue to think. even it can get me nowhere most of the time. whaha. 

i just got distracted into looking at chinese herbalist homeopathy etc.  

anyway. a long way to go. but i will enjoy my present. and better get this fluflu away asap! 

menu tonight: PROTEIN, sweetpotato rice and vege. :)

Wednesday, November 19

frustrations kicking in...

you know what. maybe... i dont really love dancing that much. maybe i just want to get away from  somethings. i dont know anymore.

i hate to talk about this. but i really do not want to go back. i think i want to stay here more than being in malaysia. being a foreigner feels safer, because i have the advantage of being strange. people will understand, becos i am a foreigner. i dont know what i am doing becos i am a foreigner. maybe that's why, it's difficult for me to KNOW WHAT I AM DOING. i have to confess, that most of the time, i really do not know what i am doing. I am doing it, becos i was told to, or becos everyone else is doing it, or becos i just somehow find myself being led to doing it, by emotions/impulse or watever.

so pls dun force me. i might not be the best daughter in the world. but sorry. not now. i tot i could get away from familiar grounds. but in fact, the familiarity that existed ytd had transformed into a foreign object for me. i do not know what is left there anymore. there's only memories. i swear. so what is the point? i want to establish a new self. i dont hv a self. honestly. i am ALWAYS LOST. 

i just keep going and ppl say you are always rushing. in a hurry. yes, to move on. but then, after that, so wat? 

i dunno.

i just did it. cos it was what that is meant to happen, at that moment. as for the future, i do not know. but i shud think abt it. and i hv been doing it, for a few days now.

but in vain. it remains a big question mark.


some neuroscientific stuff abt proprioreceptors caught my attention. mind-body connection etc. these has often been my passion. 
so the question is, how do i pursue this further. 

i need a career's advisor. i need a job 1st. 


probably, in life, to reach a goal, if u hv one, is not the easiest thing to do. or, put it this way, in order to achieve the goal, u need to pass through many things, things that you like, or dont like. but in order to achieve that final state of being that is ideal for you, you might hv to deal with stuff that you do not like doing. and u hv to face it. 

perhaps, that is what i am experiencing right now. i dont like, being told wat to do, or wat i should do. i dun like that burden. but i noe, i shud pay attention more to what is going on (out there or somewhere) and be less self-centred. i m self-centred. it's bad. but that's how i feel good also. but then, i wont achieve anything that is beneficial to the world.

oh rmb how i said i like to "save the world and make the world a better place by being 'eco'?" i totally forgot abt that. 

u see, there r so many tiny things that interest me, but i do not know how to organise them, into some sort of career path. 

can i just do loads of part time jobs?? 
like involve in eco groups; like joining a dance company or choreograph time to time; like study part time abt meridien and chinese medicine; practise yoga and pilates; involve in researching abt mind-body connection through some form that i do not yet know... and so on. 

it's all part of, what i feel like doing. in the future.

but it seems like, there is also another possibility - sitting in the office and go over papers and go to meetings after meetings.

the minute i imagine it, i feel like crying.

i noe i m selfish. but i m really sorry. i cant do it. 

haih. i shud hv just ignored everything and become an organic farmer for the rest of my life. at the age of 21, i am already thinking of 隱居。how sad/nice is dat?

we'll see. --> that's waht i always say. but in the end, who sees? you! u hv to decide, no one else can!!

till then, i will see wat happens tmr. see, i did it again. :/

Tuesday, November 4

just a few minutes to throw my thoughts out there

ok. i have totally no me time. no time to reflect on myself, no time to personalised information that i hv been given, hence in fear that they will disappear.

even if my room looks totally like a war zone, i am just gonna jot down my thoughts for the day or the days that has passed since mid term.

i learn the need to... keep on. to keep moving. to not stop and keep going, as if you know what is coming, and you should. the key is think ahead.

i learnt the need to.. take risk. to move beyond the safe zone that i always always keep myself too. and often way too much. it's not exactly healthy, in terms of progression in technique or personal development in getting to the next level. it also means, to fall and to not be afraid of falling. but falling because u took ur limits to the extreme. to take risk and to know your limits, or to challenge your limits, is essentially to protect yourself. i would want to think that in a context outside dance. and this is really useful.


my self-reflection time ends here. while i finish drying my hair and fall asleep in my own war with my comfort/war zone.

p.s. perhaps dats y i need to live in a war zone. whaha.

Sunday, October 26


it's been a whole month and a half since i came to this wonderful extraordinary place. The Laban Centre. Every single day is just so fresh so new so filled with new ideas! so open so accepting so challenging and a day almost never comes to an end. becos whenever the clock strucks 12 i know i still have so much which i have not the time to absorb digest and integrate.

I was at the International Laban Conference for 2 days. I missed out on the 1st day but still 2 days of compact workshops, performance, lecture demonstrations blabla, it was already overwhelming. i am totally overloaded with information, from Laban's principles to its development and usage in today's world, dealing with multimedia, psychotherapies... too much way too much. i only get to know the breadth of things and at the end of the day i just find myself in this blackout state of mind. becos i hv no idea where to start reading/thinking!

the reason i m back to blogging, is that i really need to put all these into concrete words, at least for myself, to comprehend and to let all these information settle in my brain, and give a concluding remark. so that i know, what i shud do next. or what is best to do next.

i think that the common themes that the speakers keep coming back to, is the idea of Laban's notion of dance as experimentation, incorporating the use of space and dynamics. keeping in mind that nth is static, and the goal is nv the product but the process.

i got to know this wonderful lady, Dr. Ana Sanchez-Colberg, who is totally a walking dictionary. She embraces philosophies, the old and the new, seeks to understand the self in relation to the changing world, understands and explores space and environment, and certainly without diminishing the essence of dance movements. Her theatre background was also of interest to me, and has certainly made her think of dance differently from those coming from a pure dance background. My interest in her work was also due to my increase interest in dance theatre. I have to get my hands at her books, papers and works. and get ideas from her work for my 1st choreography homework - a movement embodiment of our self portrait.

The fact that she touches upon various psychological concepts, eg. memory, discourse, syntax, etc. and also phenomenology etc has also inspired me further. and all those speakers that talked about dance therapy in relation to helping ppl with eating disorders, autism, personality disorder, depression and so on was just AMAZING. of course it wasn't the 1st time that i knew these sort of things existed, but the fact that legendary and important ppl are standing just inches away from me, giving such extraordinary speeches is just sooo unbelievable.

i am a small small stone in the universe.
i hv yet to use my miniature magnet force to take in more energy of life to move on to become a greater representation of a stone in the universe
a stone that has a life and a meaning to the universe

Commitment. is another word. that i as a dancer and as a learner need to embrace and implant into myself, physically within my muscular system and perhaps further into a cellular level, as well as mentally within and beyond my soul.

SOUL. a good word/ concept for self portrait.
now i hv gathered SOUL and MEMORY. two concepts to work on. and more to refine.

i am excited.
still many months to come, but just before mid term break begins, i m already so drawn into being labanised. i do hope this process will continue into a beautiful pathway that i will keep walking jogging running dancing on, a never ending journey to search for the inner and outer balance.

BALANCE, YIN AND YANG. another good concept, to symbolise a mobile yet harmonious way of living on and on and on.....

Sunday, September 21


靜靜的 我漸融入了一種格林威治的生活型態
不 其實此時還是屬于倫敦的城市生活

是青綠 亦是青藍
可簡檏 亦可奢華
又是忙碌 又是悠游自在

從前 現在 和未來 .............


也感恩讓我有這種福氣 去參與我的現在與未來
去貢獻 去學習 去發掘

有這樣一種能力 去感化與擴張 人性的美和丑

Wednesday, September 10

tmr will be a better day

i guess i am lucky
was reading a note on a fren's facebook
i hope she overcomes the pain
the pain of losing
and then she will grow even stronger than before

i do not know here very well
but she is a nice person
she will be able to pull over


and when i look back at myself....

tomorrow is registration
my new term
my new life
in good terms with flatmates
hopefully will become better

lots to organise
my room
my life
my tempo

i m not a do-er
i m a think-er

so i shall stop making blank promise to myself.
向美好的明天 出發吧

Wednesday, August 13


8月13日, 公元2008年。終于忍不住一個人的狂歡,上來這里搞搞新意思。









Saturday, August 2


今天 坐在家中的我 竟然一直在感動
是媒體的力量 以及自己的身份與背景的原因吧


多年前依旧乳臭未干的我 在非得離開你不可的情況之下 促使心中對其他的一切產生偏心與厭惡之情
但 這些情緒隨時間逝去 不再重要
若干年後 我選擇離你更遠 去追尋那些 你所不能給予我的自由與憧憬
如今 衣錦還鄉 我以為自己可以更加倍地去了解你了 可是你是多麼地令我失望失措失魂
可是有時候 我還是忍不住 觀賞著你的可愛 熱情 純樸
真的很想一輩子 勇敢地抱著你
但是你一而再 再而三地 吞食了我的勇氣 刺破我的膽囊 摧毀我的愛意
到底我們之間 還有沒有明天可言

你可知道 我們的未來 其實有著無限可能的
但我已按捺不住我的害怕 我的驚慌
你知道嗎 你 越來越遠了
每當我股起勇氣 輕輕碰觸你的美 你總是臉帶微笑歡迎著
你的放盪與猖狂 令我對于心中對你的愛意變成一種壓抑
那種是捨棄還是留下的矛盾不安 無情還是濫情的你 知道的又有多少?

我 可以讓你 覺醒嗎
問心 我 無能為力
可 我的心 永遠愛你
你 好好專心對抗病魔吧
若干年後 我渴望 甚至衷心期盼著
我與你 海枯石爛的 親密接觸

Wednesday, July 30

我的消遣 不僅是玩玩而已的

音樂 電影 劇集 攝影 料理
一些事情 只能是娛樂消遣嗎?

如何將這些開心的事 與世界其他的人分享呢
獨樂樂 不如眾樂樂

去感受 去體會 去發現 去挖掘
內在深沉處 最原始的使命


Saturday, July 19

it's time

i often feel i m so immature and so ignorant, hence i always want to know more learn more at the shortest time possible.

but sometimes, it's up to time. we mature without noticing.

perhaps, i just need to take things slowly. seriously but calmly, observant and not taking for granted, sensitive but not overly so.


here i am, thinking about my future in a yr's time.

it's time to act. not just think. i noe i want to make a difference, but too often do i feel timid to do the things that i want to do, i feel as if i do not have the strength and the ability to make an influence.

but i need to have faith.

just like anyone else, u start from a nobody.

i guess i m no exception.


goodbye to the days where i feel hopeless and useless, now i just to do let myself believe the possibilities of making a small small tiny little difference. and perhaps, these will eventually add up. and who noes, a significant difference (kehem) will eventually emerge.....

i am going to sleep now,
sleeping through the static

Friday, June 13

an aspiring ending note.

i cant believe this but yes i am blogging for the 3rd time within 24 hrs.


been talking a lot today.
but it's good.
this is exactly what i need most.
communication with an external physical body. a bi-directional mechanism in which i can understand myself more, from observing myself speaking and listening to others.

when differences meet, you will find yourself more worthwhile, in the sense that, everyone is unique, and could somehow contribute to the world, to the happiness of others, the well-being of the community.

i have been internalising my communication for a long time. sometimes i just really need some real communication. but so often do i habituate myself with solitude, a sign of the depletion of the essence of human kind.

AH. perhaps this is my newly-founded future prospects - interaction and communication.

Laban? Labanotation? Dance Movement Analysis? Non-verbal communication?

waha. what a dramatic ending note to a this day where i officially disconnects myself from anticipation of an unknown future. love it.

i wish there was a degree in love now. where love extends beyond the individual, the group, the community, the society, the country, the race, the world. (oh no system theories).

ok. let me jot down a few aspiring sidenotes before i fall back into a melancholic mood.

i thought of doing something ECO. something green. something that contributes to the maintenance and improvement of life, from the most general point of view.

i thought it continuing with psychology, but in a more diverted way, or a less direct way, lets put it this way. a form of healing, through understanding of the self, but not only the self.
but self, in relation to, others - people and the environment. through the medium of language and movement. through the variation in culture and social norms.
(at this point i am extremely glad i did psychology as a degree, eventhough i did not excel as a great student, but personally, i deeply appreciated the maturity that i have gained throughout the years).

i thought of doing chinese medicine. link with nutrition. with naturopathy. with body and mind as a whole.


in response to post no.1, dated 12/6/08.

i have successful untangled myself from a maze of self-torturing and self-humiliating. i learn or relearn to accept the fact that PROCESS is always more important than the RESULT.
i am glad for what i have chosen to do with my degree, eventhough the result have been such due to my divergence from conventional psychology.

at this point, i TRULY have thought it through.
i just could not believe that i am able to end this day with a gleeful smile.

lets hope my dreams are sweet tonite. and will these spirit in me continue to flourish throughout my life. keep me going for as long as i can live.

all in all, no matter what i do, i aspire to bring happiness to people around me. i love to see that people feel happy becos i am around, and not sad and gloomy, or pressurised as a result of my presence. i aspire to contribute to this world, to bring positive spirit and life, to this world around me.

Thursday, June 12

why not, look forward?

back after an extended shower.

thought it through.

it shud end here now.

the only way is to look forward and not behind.
i need to accept myself. for who i am. even though this means accepting a self i dont like. in order to change it, i need to live with it first. and then work out how to change.

university is not for me. 3 years. i proved my point.
working hard is not the best thing.
my best is when i dont work so hard.
i guess i was stupid to work so hard, and gain nothing but a pathetic borderline.
i guess 3 years was enough, to make me see it through. i need to really really really KNOW and LOVE and have a passion and a TALENT (even if this means a little little tiny bit of advantage) in a subject in order to excel.

3 years down the road.
it's time to change.

i make a promise to myself.
i will not let the next year go into the bin.

a desensitised embodiment of failure.

the whole day i have been thinking

all i know to do is think.
but what IS the point? thinking doesn't make you smart, doesn't solve problem, doesn't make you successful.
this is MY problem.

i only know how to think.

who can i blame?
no one.

what else do i know how to do? i am good at desensitizing myself.
seldom do i reveal
seldom do i express
i am a desensitized embodiment.

i hate myself.
for being so normal.
for being so average.
for being so general.

for the whole day today.
i cant stop hating myself when being left alone.
for the 1st time, i feel lonely.
lonely becos i cant come to terms with myself.
i really do not know what to do.
so lost, so sad, so depressed.

i have lost myself.

i know when i wake up tmr
everything will be alright
but i know that
this does not mean that the problem has ended, it has merely found a place behind my brain cells
a place where i do not yet need to access
until i meet another failure.

i failed myself
for being so inefficient

i failed myself
for being of no use and no good

i failed myself
for not being able to do anything about myself

i failed myself
for not knowing myself enough

i do not even know who i am.
i do not know my true feelings, my true ability, my true self

who am i?

i do not know.

i will keep thinking. until i fall asleep. if, i ever will.

Wednesday, June 11

反思: 反覆思考, 反轉思路。






問題的根 更深更遠




不是不愛自己 只是
愛不下如此不成熟 不醒目 不精 不足以讓我全心全意去愛的一個自己

也許 我應該把愛轉移了吧


好想 把愛 傳遞給更多更遠的大家
但我真的很想 供應我小小的生命 為人纇存在的意義做一些什麼



Monday, May 26



痴... 威...



Sunday, May 25


4 days aaa
till the end aaa
of the aaa
the depletion of the bumbum aaa
yeah aaa

Tuesday, May 20

where am i?

counting down from 9.


why am i constantly hungry???
hungry at 10.30pm despite having finished dinner at 8.30.


back to journalism when countdown = 0.


exchange. it's time to go back. barter system.
to save.


more knowledge needed.
overloaded with useless crap.


the world.
is not safe.
humanity is depleting. so is the natural resources. the habitat and its inhabitants.


back to basics.
the protein- like structure some trillion years ago.


nothing matters.
except living.




ditch technology.


learn to love.
love, to learn.
to learn love.
and love.


focus. use you heart.


officially 10.30.
and my world today stops here.
with bullying and schools.

when more important things, awaits........

Friday, May 9





Thursday, May 1





Tuesday, April 22


How i wish i can type Chinese faster on mac but it’s so impossible and hence i need to type in English which might not be my best language to express my often conflicting thoughts. But anyway, i shall continue. Or begin.

22 april 2008. I am anticipating for the day that i can finally count down to the end of undergraduate exam. I drilled so hard on FYP and dissertation. And now, before i start skimming through journals regarding ToM, rPFC and TPJ (dun worry abt understanding these abbr. becos u dun nid 2), I want to shift my intellectual brain to non-intellectual sectors of the world for a few moments first.

I have no time to think about the near future just yet. But i do plan to read extensively on things outside the academic world due to an increasing self-efficacy towards maturing my inner soul. I am empty within. I know so little, think so little and engage so little with the essence of the world – people. I am, however, no good at engaging interesting conversations with others, but I have no strong intention to change that just yet, not before I feel I have a better/broader/deeper understanding of the world and not just about myself. After this egoistic month of continuous telling myself every morning that “I believe I can fly”, it is time to embark on a different journey, one that is not poles apart from my life as an undergraduate but one that exceeds it and expands it. It, shall extrapolate the virtues, and strengthen my capability outside of the selfish regime, and the list goes on.

I have engaged too much time thinking out of the box, the “Come on i can finish this asap..” box. Time for some energy food (which is never lacking in my busy life), and back to square 1 - not one that traps itself and goes around a stupid circle, but one that extracts valuable intellectual materials from all regions of philosophies and thoughts and ideas, translating them to become relevant to the repertoire of the goal and scope of the square.

11.45am @ Gloria Jeans.

Saturday, April 12



更加勇敢 更加堅強
閃爍之際 更頓然領悟
轉換放縱 成
一種成熟的蛛絲馬跡 因
需要的是青山 那無盡的心念心愿
心燈的心 就是那隨風飄動卻不屈服於熄滅的意志
慢 卻更滿更漫長
人說 人生如戲 戲如人生
乃是火紅的 氣球翱翔記。


受寵若驚之後 我要從中摸索出人生的劇本…… 永待續。

birthdayku yang ke-21

9th April 2008
No matter what, the plan is to write a big “thank you” entry this birthday.

10th April 2008
One big “thank you” entry is not going to be enough. At least TEN.


I have so much going on in my mind right now. Since last night, since this morning, the whole afternoon, the whole day.

*should have ditched British lib as I didn’t gain much but lost something back there*


Don’t take my facial expression and body language wrong! I REAAALLY AM SHOCKED! My relatively calm and unsurprised facial expression is merely an appearance that would then follow by a prolonged internally hyperactivity. Sorry for not being shocked enough. Whahaa..

Anyway, let me start with the thank-yous.

MR. M. yes. It’s only till today do I learn the true essence of your name. The Mysterious Mischievous Mike Tan Tsu Lin. What more can I say about your big big present. It was really unexpected! I think too much most of the time, but obviously not this time. A BIG THANK YOU! And it was your hell week isn’t it? The restaurant was just great! (great quality and GREAT quantity…). Awww and i love that necklace~ oh god! BEST SURPRISE PLANNER. (you do deserve being market planner of the month don’t you!!!)

Mr. Nekle and Madam Jane. Love you guys!!!!! Cant say enough. EVER.
The jetlagged mummy and papa’s pocket. Ohdear. A big hole there. And going to ballet black cos 你們任性的女兒訂了票 (how selfish of me.. ) BEST PARENTAL LOVE AWARD to you two~~ the bestdressed bestlooks bestsmile and the bestjokes bestcardwriter bestsupporter!

And… gajeh and keei keei!! Oh keeei keei!! YOUUUUUUUUU~ the best actress ever. I was suspicious abt things you asked me sometimes but.. not to this extent~~
I shall award keei keei the BEST ACTRESS/UNDERCOVER/SPY.

Gajeh~! You were so secretive too~ appearing suddenly out of your comfy msia home back in beeston.. haha. Thanks for the necklace ya~! It’s just great having you around everytime~ BEST SUPPORTING GAJEH!

Nice bag Seanny~ thanks for coming man! I mean… u missed your lesson~! And i just left quite abruptly the next day.. would really want to spend more time with you all… well. Maybe i could go to Madrid sometime yea~ anyway, you are awarded: BEST CUCINA DI ESPANOL. Credits for taking the easyjet. Its no where near easy.

BEST XUAN ER~jia xuan dear, to think about it, you are the most unexpected guest! And u just came back from finland with all those shitty weather~~ oh dear. U must be soooo exhausted… but thanks for the necklace. And the card. (and we realized we got to know each other right from the beginning of secondary?! Lol)

BEST ROSES…. Arlina~ aww. Don’t worry you are not blurrest that day. I must have been. Hhaha. Thanks for the cd too.

BEST SMS STALKER… my darling. I am so sorry that i didn’t reply. Thank you so much for the roses my dear.. i miss u too.. that’s why i am coming to see you. But nvm abt the licks ok. wahahaha ( i love how u made the “ü”, it’s so stalker-like.)
I am going to take my own sweet time to read those cards later on the train. It’s just the best place and time to read cards.

And everyone else~~ best greetings from near and far.
This is the best birthday in my life.
It will haunt me forever. Wahahaha.

Sunday, April 6

繼續 安靜的 scream

作詞:丁曉雯 李明依 黃韻玲 作曲:黃韻玲



SCREAM  1997



I’m screaming, I’m losing all of it
I’m trying to be mature someday but
‘til now it’s still in vain
I’m bearing. I’m losing all of it
I’m trying to go on this path
But you said I haven’t get the jests

而你懂不懂我? 懂不懂


I’m screaming. I’m losing all of it
I’m trying to be perfect someday
But ‘til now it’s still in vain
I’m bearing; I’m losing all of it
I’m trying to be understood
But you said I haven’t had seen it yet
(but you said I haven’t see the points)

I’ll try it out; I’ll try it out
I’m trying out sometime
I’ll try it out someday

Wednesday, April 2

everyone ditch hallward!

i m soooo ditching this suffocating, self-containing, stale-aired, quiet-like-hell, oxygen-deprived, sleep-provoking, the-worst-place-to-work-in, metabolism-slowing, motivation-deteriorative, determination-ruining HALLWARD.

Wednesday, March 26




這關卡,即使時間給了我一個arbitrary的肯定,自己還是得 *填充題 * 以讓自己真真正正地過關吧。


Thursday, March 6






Monday, March 3


one of those days.

when i feel a bit lazy and not bothered and not wanting to do anything.
a one day vacation.
it's always the mondays.
the monday-blues.
but the thing is i just worked really hard on the sunday, and lying down on bed on the sunday thinking, is tmr monday? i thought today is friday? so technically monday blues should not apply to me?
but i think it's the annoying 11-1pm ed. psy lect. cos from my past experience, i work best at late mornings and late afternoons.


it happens.
when u no longer hv loads of lecture to attend ( and as a consequence loads of self-lecturing/self-reading/self-teaching to attend to).
u just keep working and working and before u realised it's saturday and then monday.

the problem is
i can't work on a monday.
the worse thing is
it's a monday night.
i am not a person that works at night.
at least i havent been for the past few weeks.

i wake up early (but not early enough these days). and i swear i will wake up super duper early to work super duper hard tmr.
*mental note: rmb to marinate the lamb steaks for dinner*

i am going to complain to myself right now.
i have so much so much to do. sorry because i shouldn't be complaining here as I should be holding onto the precious hours of the night and work but actually now i am having a bit of headache thanks to my eyes but thank the Lord now it's better.

okie... enuf of blaaaaah.
maybe some data entry could do a bit of help - to sooth the headache.

Saturday, February 23

Ansari and the Trition: part 2.

volume 2.

let's continue with the tale of Ansari and the Triton.

but do not forget, keifam plays a part in it as well. so I shall re-phrase my title as Ansari and the Triton: 11s and 12s.

ok. so nevermind about morning showers. I gave up. As long as i do get a shower. Going to 12s isnt bad. I get to watch 8tv news, realising how down-date I am with news back in Msia, all those politics. and Mr. Ong Kah Ting ( or watever), who loves appearing in the media every single day. advertisements, such as Brand's birdnest and the petronas CNY ads.... and 988. visited Gajeh for the whole week, reminiscing the broadgate days....

but then still... it's not good to disturb ppl wat... aiyooyo..

so i think on the monday. he attempts to fix the shower, WITH A BRAND NEW ONE. arent we all excited??!!
however to our dismay, there was a problem with the accuracy of the dimensionality of the machine. it doesn't fit the narrow space of the existing Triton. Poor Ansari. He has to search high and low once again. It's even worse than.. choosing birthday gift for your fussy dad. Which tie does he like? The blue stripy one or the velvety red one?



區區一個不起眼 卻原來如此重要的發明啊
沒有了你 我的生命開始發愁發臭


anyway... wat was i saying just then? ah yes. the dimensionality issue. dealt with.
next day. he arrived with another Triton. My position: Jubilee Campus Business Library. MSN.

K: KeeiKeei. D: DaanDaan.

D: I think I am coming back now. going to gajeh's.
K: okie.
K: He's here!
K: Give him some time.
D: (pending)
D: (hmm...)
D: ???
D: helloooooo......
K:okie. The shower didn't fit.
D: AGAIN?!! &%*^&. kinda expected it anyway... I think you should give him a ruler to
measure the dimension of the shower PLEASE.
K: nooo.
K: it's the pipe, apparently.
D: OH.
D: it's just another excuse isn't it? next time he will say it's the wrong voltage
K: huh?

and then it was Thursday. and then Friday.

Friday 7am. aaaaargh. SOOO FREAKING TIRED. i carried 3 freakin bags to school: backpack with academic stuff, huge hand bag and shower bag.
okie.. gogogo. sports centre here i come. I will shower till the last min before SNR3 begins.

sorry miss. the changing room doesnt open till 9am.



nvm i'll just feel very bleh and go to SNR then.
the girl with 3 bags walks heavily from sports centre to trent.
and she discovers a shower. A SHOWER ROOM. ooooooo salvation!!!!!!!!!!!
such high technology the best shower head i have seen for ages oh my god so excited it's even a shower room and no one's there and oh my god I can have my own shower area and hey it's quite clean oh so happy and oh so smart that i brought my hair dryer and ohh I LOVE YOU KEEI KEEI if not i might walk there being so tired and having the best shower in ages.



a car. in front of 13.

identified a guy clossing the booth.

the girl with 3 bags 低頭側臉


YY: hello.
DD: Is the shower fixed?
YY: Yes!
DD: ....


I just discovered my favorite shower....... and now we have a brand new Triton. not fair!
oh well. it's always good to get back to square 1, aint it?
and this calls for a halt as the entry is getting way too long.
dat's it!

Wednesday, February 20

Ansari and the Trition: part 1.

dedicated to our dear landlord, Mr. Ansari.

We love our landlord.

He spend his pass time coming round our house, helping us fix the easiest chores there is for a man to do, like changing a bulb.

Recently, he finds himself in a position of difficulty. One that challenges his repertoire of "the responsibility of a landlord" checklist; he realised he needs to fix the shower. hmm. If I were him, I will spend some money to get a technician and get them to fix the bloody shower. However, our ever so 熱心的地主 decides to try his luck to overcome the dysfunction of the wiring system of the triton. I shall now begin the tale of: Ansari and the Trition.


Volume I:

It was 8.08am in the morning of wednesday, as Yeung Yeung jumps down to a bright sunny day, she identified a problem found in the bathroom. The shower is broken.

hmm. okkkk... so what now? no morning shower! what the hell? I need this shower... I mean i have been showering in the morning for the past few months, hoping to get a kick start to a day as I wake myself up with the hot steam and the aroma of shower gels and fragrant of organic shampoosss.. $%^O&*P**(^&&GW


Hi Ansari. Our shower is not working. Can you come as soon as possible to fix it? This is urgent. Thank you so much.

Later in the morning, as I was sipping a soy latté, he called. AMAZING! for once a problem will be solved so soon. Awww don't we just love our landlord~~ good good. new shower soon to come.. yay.

And then later...

he told me it was a problem within. A mechanical fault in the operation of the shower, hence no water shooting out of the shower head.
woo.. okie. problem identified. solution? yes, find a new shower that fits. and tmr it shall be. a brand new shower. finally something new to add on to this refurbished yet still ever-so-old house.

but... I must have been dreaming!?!

the C.O.R.R.E.C.T. shower machine or whatever you call that (boiler? mixer? ) did not turn up till 9 days later.

the 9 days of not showering at home. I will tell you how keifam cope with it, in the next volume.

till then.
it's sleep time.

Saturday, February 16

the E and the GO


remove the negative energy from this blog and start anew.

think positive.
to win is to think win.


revive the good energy good thoughts good feelings.
self is the rival
to win or to lose
a matter of overcoming the ego within
to achieve or to fail to achieve
to be or not to be
is a question of competing against depletion of the confidence

to move on and keep moving on
is the key

Wednesday, February 13






Sunday, February 10










高度 吧

Thursday, February 7








Monday, February 4

請定義 那智慧

些許 困惑
只因為要 對得起良心的譴責


Thursday, January 31

the art of bull.ness.

the BULL shit that i have to finish
it's torturing, BULLying
often do i
feel like the BULL in the espanol
frantically 橫衝直撞 just to fight that person dat u will never win anyway
stubborn 硬頸 執著




突然好想讀 journalism
遠離那些 因為 empirical evidence 而存在的領域

那是.... 藉口吧
所以決定坦誠相對 去面對
真正 會讓我
快樂過活 的生活模式




has it gone flushing down the toilet bowl
or is it hiding in the fridge --> in the redbull?


很無聊 ho~
captured emotion
at a glance.


...or sing. sing a sing, make it simple, to last a whole night long.
how simple. if life is abt singing, blogging. how unchallenging.


很多時候覺得自己沒什麼用 小學年年名烈前茅 中學so-so啦 還有第一第二班可以呆一下 大學嘛 簡直被埋在人才擁擠的人海中.....


in conclusion to the above paragraphs of coherent and at the same time incoherent thoughts, i proposed the bullness shall commence tmr.
rmb dat spanish bullfight?
no matter the end results, 撞死先算。

off to the dreamland. where i always vaguely dream abt smth and always manage to forget them when i wake up the next day. my brilliant brain. how i love it.

Wednesday, January 23


travel with ur heart.

actually, i really hate my blog title. becos it totally spells out what i m made out of and only made out of. i only noe how to learn things when i feel it with my heart and that does not always happen. i can nod my head but not nod my heart.


and tonite. i travelled the 2-hr journey completely with my heart. and dat made me feel good and bad. good becos i feel comfortable following the emotional flow and bad becos i got stuck. STUCK.






慾念 慾望
一切的 慾


dun think i can articulate my thoughts further. just, let them be.
the new train shall depart.. again.

Tuesday, January 22

d;iv*de/d $3|F.

it's time to get back on the marathon

it's still a long way. i noe.

but 2 1/2 passed by so quickly, and the 1/2 left is not the time to stop and look at an interesting tree at the road side or sit down at the bench and stare at the sun.......

i shud just keep on walking and running and sprinting..

ahead right ahead. look back to correct yourself but not to indulge yourself in the past.

but before dat....


彷彿失去聯絡了 我的朋友
一直任為 你是唯一那位
不離不棄的 最佳安慰

抱歉 我偶爾 習慣你 太多
記得在那每每 夕陽無限好之後
我依然有 我依戀眷戀靠岸


okokokok.. END.

u aaa.. just cant stop blogging abt some random shit come on la.. wat time liao..9.42 u shud freakin work and stop getting stuck on blogging addicted to singing.............yoooooooooooooooooorrr!

Monday, January 14

post-exam. ?


wat's next?

Monday, January 7

come on

it's really not the best time to get demotivated right now so pick up yourself and get on with it or else whatever you have been doing for the past few weeks will just go down the drain

Thursday, January 3

pre-exams part 2.

the psychological indigestion as far as the food of mind is concerned. this means
too much food to digest yet still a lot of food left. and it also means
to choose what to eat: what to digest fully, what to just eat and not feel the taste and texture.

and the correlated event are as follows:
the physically inexpressiveness
due to the enduring hours of being in a fixed position. in addition
the immobility of staying put
in the stale space and fast-moving tick-tocking of an invisible power.
consuming the body gruesomely
diminishing the muscles and building upon the wrong part to deposit extra amount of stuff due to the consequences mentioned in the last post.

the imbalance of the body and mind.
the integration of the vulnerable shell and the immortal spirit.

Wednesday, January 2


the consequences of exams:

physiologically fattening and psychologically slimming.

Tuesday, January 1

daan's place

cafe is daan's place. no place beats a cafe.

where there is a cafe, there is a progress.

cafe is therefore the place to be.

y the hell no public transport on new year's day.

delaying my usual progress.

if it's not for new year's day, i will just be totally upset.

tmr, double progress, needed. keep ur promise.