Sunday, October 29

yaam kopi, seik roti!

yaam kopi, seik roti!!! 饮 kopi, 吃 roti!!!

aaa.. guess wat! i did dis in Junipers! in Nottingham!! in freakin' UK!!!

hmm.. oookk. i m more like freakin' out than being happy.. hahaha.. but i m happy! i m HYPER!

caption: ipoh white coffee, one steamed n one toasted wholemeal bread with oliveoil spread n kaya, half-boiled egg but not too successful due to egg taken directly from fridge.

How to prepare traditional M'sian/Sg'porean breakfast:
1) Boil some water. Put room temperature egg(s) into the hot water. Put it on low fire/just off
the stove.
2) Steam/Toast your choice of bread.
(i) for steamed bread: apply butter/marjarine and kaya on your bread before steaming.
(ii) for toasted bread: apply afterwards.
2) Make yourself a cup of Milo/local black coffee/Ipoh white coffee/teh ( milk tea).

How to eat:
1) Serve half boiled egg in small bowl. Add soya sauce and pepper powder.
2) Dip bread into egg mixture/coffee.
3) Feel the goodness of scrumptuous breakfast.

p/s: the kaya could be smoother by using coconut milk instead of creamed coconut + AIR. could add more GULA to make it more MANIS.

p/s (ii): AIR = water; GULA = sugar; MANIS = sweet.

MUAHAHA. today is such a nice day, n it is just the beginning of it. :) no more daylight saving time, but an xtra hr wont make the winter longer if everyday is going to be this good!

Tuesday, October 24

randomising life

i m beginning to accept the fact that i m not a professionalist.

being a generalist means, u r interested in many things, but might not become an expert in it. hmm. dat's really true of me. but i use to hate it, hence not accepting it.

i like almost every lecture now. i like walking on the street, alone or with a fren or with a bunch of frens. i like cooking 2gether with flatmates. i enjoy beeston shopping days. i dun hate cleaning my room/bathroom. i dun hate washing up. i like my room though still hs room for improvement.

hmm. maybe it's just cos i m not really really doing much work yet. when pressure piles up on me, i m surely going to hate the whole world again. it's just a matter of emotions n perceptions. everything in the world is just so.. psychologically related. :)

though haven't been sitting down and thinking of 'what should i be when i grow up' kinda question, but sometimes in the middle of resting, walking, dreaming or wtv, it just crosses my mind dat, if i do this do dat, my life will be so fun. but in reality, there is still many things to learn to cope with to think of to consider... i m still acting like a child idealising my future. but in the same time, i feel i m growing up, mentally as well.

life is just so.. ironic; so unexpected yet so predictable, so beautiful yet so ugly, so intriguing yet so dull, so fast yet so slow, so simple yet so complicated...


i dunno wat am i drawing on to.. but for now, i m content, with wat i hv and wat i hd. to think abt the past n to regret it is the stupidest thing to do but we never will be able to resolve this mindset of ours. learning from mistake is so simple a theory yet so hard to practicalise it.

y m i so philosphical all of a sudden.

i think i need some yoga.

signing off in 5 seconds, 4, 3, 2, 1.

inspired by: a random self.

Sunday, October 15


time to confess...

i) i am hooked to biscuits again! digestives is currently my favourite. there r many ways to eat it. here are some of my suggestion:

a) eat it on its own
b) dip it into a cup of milk

ii) i do not want to read!!!!!! reading is dead boring!!! i can't be bored out before exams arrive!!

iii) i should not crave for starbucks hot chocolate or caffe nero's caramel latte. but i am.

oohhhmyygoddd. can we hv the ktv!?!

Saturday, October 14

@ notts...

i m mentally n physically tired now actually.. but not in the mood to sleep? so i decided to visit an old fren tonite, and continue my journey with my inner soul - travelling with my heart.

i can't remember how i came up with this name actually.. it was so long time ago. it was when i was still in singapore, feeling so lost and sad and lonely. i had to blog so much during those days.. no actually. those days i wrote diaries.. not anymore now. bcos i blog. but blogging seems so.. so not personal. maybe dat's y i hv 2 blogs. those random poem-like stuff just keep from revealing too much, yet saying out wat i wanted to say. ha.

speaking of poems, i came across this competition thingie in SinChew just rite b4 i arrived in UK. should i say it's such a coincidence dat i saw it? yea.. cos i never read SinChew, as at home we always order for NanYang. oh, for those who r lost, these two seemingly alien names are names of newspaper in M'sia.

and so..

i really wanted to join this competition. i want to send it my poem-like stuff. too bad i can't just pick up one from my blog. bcos they cant be published anywhere (yes, including websites) before. n this totally suck. cos, i can't seem to produce better 'production' nowadays. cos the sensitve-self inside me hasn't been showing up lately, which is actually quite good.

oh well, just c how it goes. it's due 31st dec 2006 anyway.

n now, still collecting.. info, feelings, inspiration, or wtv u call dat stuff.


oh yes. i hvt been toking much abt my life lately. the story is just gonna keep going, but wat is most important is, i m enjoying it a lot.

ok. here's goes. just a sip of it.

jordan's cereal; mooncakesss; steamed egg; key lime pie; kitchen cum study area; ABC soup; laundry lines; beeston visits; ktv-discussion; digestives; friday-off; ipenny; qinqin; walking; frozen banana; squashed apple + juice; shoe rack to buy or not to buy..........

ok. this is one big sip. n now, time for beddy.

Tuesday, October 3



冷嗖的风 没有人气为我加温
暴风雪之际 危机频临却缺乏扭转乾坤的力量
时机来不及成熟 就已经化为乌有

别人眼中的我 也许不及自己想象中的十分之一

那么 自己眼中的自己呢?
