Thursday, June 15

London trip

i hv left the habit of blogging aside, for quite a long while, n now it is time to get back on the track with updates of my life, which i hv spent most of the time away from nottingham.

episode 1: London..

it was sunny 3 day long.. 1st n 2nd day walking rapidly across london, but physical limitation came kicking in on the 3rd. couldn't bear the hot sun n the speed-walking no longer...

1st day was supposedly the shopping day. thanks ourselves for missing the train.. well, basically it was suz n mary.. hehe.. me, viv n szelyn got on the train.. suz n mary were holding onto my tix.. so we hd to meet at leicester to get together again.. n hence, wasted some shopping time as shops closed too early in UK.

it's funny how things always work the other way round. nth felt worth buying on the 1st day, but bought 3 things on the 2nd day, when it was meant to be a day of pure-touristy sight-seeing. oh well.. just cos dat H & M at Kensington was too inviting...

2nd day. breakfast at starbucks. can't get enough of coffee shops, i just love 'em. banana nut muffin n freshly brewed coffee. yum. brisk walking, or rather speed-walking through various pathways, pass through trees dat reaches up to the skies, sheding us away from direct sunlight. 若隐若现的阳光渗透一层层的茂密树叶,真是美极了。

exchanged of guards 看了第二次,所以没什么多大感觉,唯一的一点,就是同样那么晒,那么热,那么人潮拥挤。还有一股让人怀念的感觉,似曾相识的熟悉感。踏入人群之中,仿佛回到我的那双红保龄球鞋的回忆。

Kensington Palace, 还记得,2年前妈妈爱不释手的戴安娜王妃的原子笔。可惜,我未能重新踏入堡垒里面,门票太贵。

Bayswater 的 Duck Rice 果然名不虚传,可是我想念的,却还是那一股乡土味儿,而不是好吃/不好吃。就像是,一琬普普通通的Lai Fun,一碗简简单单的Pangkor Laksa。

傍晚的London Bridge上面,都是一群往同一个方向前进的上班族 - 往回家的路,往家庭幸福美满的路。我们逆着众人方向迈进,走到London Bridge中央,企图拍摄更加美丽的那一道Tower Bridge。

Mary Poppins:
- supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- "anything can happen if u let it"
- "practically perfect..."
- "a spoonful of sugar let the medicine go down..." moral = no matter how bitter life is, the sweet memories will still guide us through our life's pathway till the very end.

and many many more.

*~ a simple story often tells more than it appears to ~*

3rd day: 我疲惫的身躯,拖着我沉重的双腿,走着走着,走到了Harrods。唯一让我精神振奋的,是尝到了Krispy Kreme。没有想象中的那么甜,所以还蛮喜欢的。Camden Town 是 Petaling Street No.2, 没什么好逛的。那一间Karaoke还不错,歌曲相当新,主要的还是同在诺丁汉相识的一般好友们一起高歌。爽,尽管因为这样而必须让钱包流血。

伦敦,我还是比较爱你绿色的公园,文化气息浓郁的 Covent Garden, 反光的湖面和那上头的鹅鸭。伦敦,因为城市外的独特气质而美丽。