Tuesday, July 11


i hv lost the touch of writing...

cant be bothered to post pictures or tell tales dat happened in scandinavia... anyway, most part of the trip is plain n monotonous... all the spectacular fjords, breathtaking ranges, n numerous reflective waters hs numbed my senses to the extreme beauty of nature... at 1st glance, well, the 1st week was really trilling.. there's no other places like dis where u can see so much of wat nature is truly made out of. norway, the paridise of fjords n of world heritage, stockholm n copenhagen, the land of dangerous bikers n also home to tranquility. wish i could just wander ard the never-ending streets in such breezy n cooling weather.

2 weeks after back-aching, buttock-numbing coach rides up n down hills n windy paths, i now arrived at Chester, New Jersey, US, for the second time. the same day n month, last yr, i was here as well, getting use to a new environment, a small lil' town, with cosy coffee shops, tiny shops dat sells vintage stuff, or very country-side stuff. n now, now dat i m back here once again, this small little town of Chester, reminds me of Beeston. i realised then, i m already attached to Notts, in a way.

live for today. so i will just tok abt my life in NJ for now.

typical day in US. wake up @ 9 ish, brush up, yoga if i wake up early. send sis to Dr. place. head for cafe for coffee + muffin/pastry/bagel. retreat to book n observation. pick up mei. lunch. could go for shopping or movie or just go home. most prolly will go bookshop, mum's fav place, in search of her astrology books. dinner. tv. sleep.

not too boring, as it wld seem. immersing in holiday mood is the best thing ever. but i long for home: food, ktv, frens n all dat. 2 weeks. it's not too long from now.


evermagic~* said...

what u doin in Jersey? Go NY and shop for me! miss u =)

shean said...

my sis hving her treatment here.. chiropractic or smth..

hvt been to NY yet! but been shopping in NJ la.. not much.. the abercrombie t-shirts r way too small for me.. sigh..

planning to go NY soon.. miss u too!

Crayn Tay said...


shean said...

哈哈.. 没关系.. 反正我其实已经很久没有update了.. 我也很久没有探访你的blog了...

Crayn Tay said...

im back here... if u seldom upodat ethen ok lo.. at least i can catch up ur blog.. wish u all the best