Monday, March 5

YIPPIE chap goh meh~

新年正式结束!15days of 吃喝玩乐,15days of 放肆.. well not exactly, but quite a few record-breaking events to add to my list...

yeap. a day of full-cooking, emerse in a total m'sian atmosphere.. YIPPIE.

yeap. a day of no lab reporting when lab is due the next day. YIPPIE.

yeap. a day of rain rain rain and going to fresh asia twice to get stuff. YIPPIE.

TMR. wake up 7am... lab lab lab till i feel mentally dehydrated and physically exhausted. breakfast and lunch? we'll see.


~daan daan crazy liao~


weister said...

mayb i shud go UK too, coz thinking of going china, but life in UK seems more fun + relaxing............. GRRRR